The Leaders Report is an elegant piece which highlights the work of development champions selected by the UN Secretary-General to mobilize action on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Authorship includes Nobel Peace Prize Winner Malala Yousafzai, Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Prime Minister Erna Solberg, and Graça Machel among others.
Event Invitation
Interactive Web Platform
United Nations Secretary-General's MDG Advocacy Group
United Nations Foundation (UNF)
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA)
Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)
Art Direction and Design by Mackenzie Crone
Communications advisor Gabo Arora
Website development by Edgar Allen Agency
Data visualization by Microsoft
[UN Graphic Design Team (GDU), In-House]
This advertisement was created to combat the hysteria around the Ebola outbreak in the United States in 2014. Created by African Services for the surrounding community in New York City, it asks New Yorkers to remember to treat everyone with respect and not to discriminate against the African Community.
African Services Committee
Design and Illustration by Mackenzie Crone
Communications Director, Eirik Omlie
Map, US Library of Congress
I have had the honor of working with African Services Committee — located in Harlem and several locations in Ethiopia — on their Annual Report from 2009 through 2018, along with a number of other projects. This 2017 design creatively weaves Ethiopian textile patterns throughout the layout, a nod to ASC’s deep community roots.
Art Direction and Design by Mackenzie Crone
Communications Director Eirik Omlie
Winner, Book Design Award
2014 American In-House Design Awards
Graphic Design USA
'Understanding and Integrating Local Perceptions in Multi-Dimensional UN Peacekeeping' is a survey that identifies challenges and set practices for gathering local perceptions across the peace building community working in the field. The book aims to provide the basis for operational guidance which will assist peacekeeping missions to better enable decision making and peace building.
United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations and Field Support (DPKO)
Graphic Design and Art Direction by Mackenzie Crone
[UN Graphic Design Team (GDU), In-House]
Winner, Book Design Award
2014 American In-House Design Awards
Graphic Design USA
Designed and art directed the United Nations 2014 'World Youth Report'. The book focuses largely on the phenomena of youth and international migration which increasingly has a significant impact on the origin, transit and destination countries and communities.
Design and Art Direction by Mackenzie Crone
[UN Graphic Design Team (GDU), In-House]
United Nations Publications, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
A set of brightly illustrated stickers that adopt powerful slogans on the rights of immigrants. These were passed out at various events and fundraising initiatives in 2019. One design was later adapted to a medal to be sold for the popular Fiesta San Antonio.
RAICES, Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services
Design and Illustration by Mackenzie Crone
Printed by Plan It Green Printing
Public Service Campaign Award
2015 American In-House Design Awards
Graphic Design USA
This advertisement ran through the month of January 2015 in Time Magazine, The Economist, Newsweek, and the Financial Times. Designed as a letter to world leaders, it served as a public message urging government officials and leaders in global development to take notice of the outcome of the Millennium Development Goals and — looking forward to 2015 and beyond — to consider the votes of people when bringing forth the new sustainable development goals. The visual approach shows many voices coming together as one.
Public Service Advertisement
United Nations Millennium Campaign
United Nations Development Programme
Design by Mackenzie Crone
Communications advisor Gabo Arora
This comprehensive study from 2018 shows that Pennsylvania is a national leader in the use of the Life Without Parole (LWOP) punishment. Philadelphia County had 2,694 people serving LWOP sentences, which is more than any other county in the United States and far more than any other country in the world. The design approach uses the visual of prison bars, showing the lines shifting and breaking throughout the report. This highlights the harsh reality of death by incarceration, with the opportunity for hope peering through as advocacy is underway to eradicate these devastating practices.
Abolitionist Law Center
Design by Mackenzie Crone
Written by Quinn Cozzens & Bret Grote
See the full report
The Secretary-General postcards were originally produced as a portrait series for the United Nations Bookshop at Headquarters. The new designs shown here aims to shift focus from simple portraiture to the interaction of the Secretary-General at work for the people, shifting from idolatry to the human behind the role in their passion for their work and connectedness to the world at large.
United Nations Bookshop
Design by Mackenzie Crone
Postcard Photography by UN Photo Archives